Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy aims to provide you with an understanding of how ("," "we," "us," or "our") collects, utilizes, and discloses the information provided by you when accessing or using the website,

Modifications to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at our discretion and at any time. Any revisions to this Privacy Policy will be displayed on the homepage of our Website. It is your responsibility to periodically visit our Website to review any changes made to this Privacy Policy. Your continued usage of our Website constitutes acceptance of any such changes to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, you are not permitted to use our Website, and your only recourse is to refrain from using our Website.

What Information Do We Collect?

Upon visiting our Website, you may provide us with two categories of information: personal information voluntarily disclosed and collected on an individual basis, and information automatically collected when utilizing our Website or its services (collectively referred to as the "Information").

What Constitutes Personal Information?

Personal information is only collected when voluntarily provided and for purposes clearly identified on our Website. Personal information encompasses any unique data, including but not limited to:

  • Name
  • Username
  • Password
  • Email address
  • Cryptocurrency address
  • Mailing address
  • Any other personal information you opt to provide

By furnishing us with your personal information, you consent to our collection, retention, utilization, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Additionally, if you choose to engage in further correspondence with us via email or through the "contact" section of our Website, we may retain, utilize, and disclose the content of your messages along with your email address and our responses.

Automatically Collected Information

When employing our Website or its services, we automatically gather information from your devices. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Server Log Information: Details such as login credentials, visit timestamps, viewed pages, IP addresses, duration of visits, and the websites visited immediately before and after ours.
  • Device Information: Data regarding the computer or mobile device utilized to access our Website, encompassing hardware model, operating system/version, web browser, and other device identifiers.
  • Telemetry Information: Information like bandwidth speeds, storage space status, and other device statistics may be collected if you use any of our open-source software.
  • Usage Information: Metadata concerning uploaded files for storage and records of instances where your private key authenticated communications, if you use our Website.
  • Information Obtained via Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: Various technologies, such as cookies and web beacons, are employed to gather information when interacting with our Website.

Utilization of Information

We exclusively employ the Information for the following purposes:

  • Providing, maintaining, delivering, or enhancing our Website or the associated products/services.
  • Analyzing and tracking data to ascertain the usefulness or popularity of specific content and to gain better insight into the online activities of our Website users.
  • Fulfilling our legal or regulatory obligations.
  • Supplying requested information, products, or services.
  • Responding to inquiries or communications.
  • Developing novel products or services.
  • Issuing technical notifications, support, or administrative notices.
  • Sharing news, products, services, events, and other relevant information.
  • Matching your Information with job openings if you've reached out to us regarding recruitment.
  • Monitoring and analyzing trends, usage, and activities associated with our Website.
  • Detecting, investigating, and preventing fraudulent transactions or unauthorized/illegal activities.
  • Safeguarding the rights and property of the Parties and others.
  • Connecting or combining Information with other data collected.
  • Carrying out any other purpose or rationale for which the Information was collected.

Information Sharing

Information about you will only be shared through the following means:

  • With your consent or at your direction.
  • With our present or future parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, or entities under common control/ownership with us or our international offices.
  • With third parties or service providers carrying out work on our behalf.
  • Certain Information may be publicly displayed, such as usernames and posted content in interactive areas like online forums.
  • In the event of a merger, sale of company assets, financing, acquisition, or any situation where Information may be disclosed or transferred as a business asset.
  • In response to information requests if we deem disclosure to be in line with or mandated by applicable laws, regulations, or legal processes.
  • If we believe your actions are inconsistent with our user agreements or policies, or to safeguard the rights, property, and safety of any Party or others.
  • With third parties where disclosed aggregate Information cannot reasonably be utilized to identify you.

Social Sharing Features

Our Website may provide social sharing features, links to social media, and other integrated tools. Usage of such features allows information sharing with your contacts or the public, depending on the settings configured with the entity providing the social sharing feature or social media. For more details about data collection purposes and processing by such entities, please refer to their respective privacy policies.

Protection of Personal Information

While we take reasonable measures to secure information communicated via our Website, no computer security system is entirely infallible, and the Internet is not a wholly secure means of information transmission. Therefore, we do not assume liability for data submitted to or received from us via the Internet, nor for any unauthorized access or usage of such information. We cannot guarantee the receipt of information communicated to us, or its unaltered state before or after transmission to us. By utilizing our Website, you agree not to hold us and our associated parties liable for any form of loss or damage incurred as a result of misappropriation, interception, modification, deletion, destruction, or usage of information provided via our Website.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. While you may choose to disable cookies (please consult your browser's help menu), doing so may limit your usage of our Website.

You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from us at any time by following the instructions provided in such communications. However, opting out does not preclude the receipt of non-promotional communications, such as technical notices, support or administrative notifications, or information regarding your account (if applicable).

Hyperlinks and Third-Party Sites

Our Website may contain links to third-party websites that may collect personal information about you through cookies or other technologies. Navigating to another website results in leaving ours, and this Privacy Policy ceases to apply to your activities on those external websites. Since we lack control over such websites, and are not responsible for any information submitted to or collected by these third parties, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of such sites.

Contact Us

For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Dated: 04.14.2024